“An Audubon community was born at Des Peres Montessori under the guidance of Jeff DePew as part of a larger scope of vision…A Prairie Garden, a Woodland Trail, and a Butterfly Garden. The experiences are limitless.” – Anjana Choudhuri, School Director
“I like helping plant trees, putting up birdhouses, and building helpful environments – such as prairie garden and woodland trail. I enjoy field trips with Mr. DePew’s class.” – Elizabeth, age 11
“I get to get messy and I get to pick up bugs…I like to go in the woodland trail…last, I get to learn new things.” – Jackson, age 7
“I like this class because we get to do fun things with nature but at the same time we learn things. Right now we are making a woodland trail, prairie, and a soil ecosystem in a fish tank.” – Rav, age 9
“Children of all ages are experiencing the love of nature. An understanding of ecosystems and caring for plants and animals is giving them pride in their world and helping them assume responsibility for it.” Lyn Varvel, Teacher